How StoryAthlete™ Entrepreneurs Are Writing Books, Changing Lives, Creating Comprehensive Content
Full transcript of the 'Sitcom-based content vs. Feature Film' Presentation
You know you need a book. But you can't afford a $36K book service. And you don't want a crap "transcript book" for $3K. Here's your solution... 
The moment you add a book to the front of your funnel, everything changes. Especially if that book is structured "Sitcom-based Content vs. Feature Film" to engineer connection, authority, and demand for the next offer in your [Maximum Monetization] funnel....  
-- We Discovered A New Book Writing Formula (Weaving Storywebs)
-- Publish A New Book Every 90 Days
-- No Expensive Ghost Writers or Crap "Transcript" Books
-- 100% Your Content and Written Stories
-- Proven to Drive Business, Revenue & Create True Fans Addicted To Your Journey
Ryan Fletcher is the co-founder of ImpactClub®. An organization committed to Forging Elite Storytellers™. He is also the creator of Spiderweb Philosophy™ a proven content method "to bring people to the accepted belief that you need / want people to come to" about your character, product, service, and business. 

In the game of marketing and messaging nothing is more important than controlling the narrative. 
Everyone talks about Funnels. And Copywriting. And Direct-response marketing. And FB Advertising. And It's All Important, but not until you have an Effective & Comprehensive Content Strategy. The longer someone chooses to ignore this, the longer that entrepreneur will suffer, struggle, and fail in their business!
The worst part? 
They will never live up to their potential.
 SECRET #1: 
It Is Easy To Write A Book, If You Just Follow My Formula
At the age of 27, by the numbers, I was one of the best direct-response copywriters in the world. In one 18-month period, I was responsible for more than $25million in sales. Just because of the words I put onto a piece of paper in the form of a sales letter. Except, I grew to hate it. So I committed my talents to learning, then ultimately creating the Viral (sitcom-based story) Templates that we use to Weave (addicting) Storywebs. Thus, all you have to do to write your Sitcom-based book, to win hearts and minds, to create a marketable asset, is just follow my step-by-step instruction. It doesn't matter if you can't write. Or aren't a good writer. That's why SpiderwebPhilosophy exists. Because, guess what? At one time you couldn't walk for shit either. But you learned. Someone kept picking you back up. So, are you willing learn? Being an Elite Storyteller in business to connect, inspire, create, is every bit as crucial as walking is, in everyday life. If you couldn't walk, people would refer to you as handicapped. The same is true for the entrepreneur who can't craft a message.
 SECRET #2: 
You Need A Documented Approach, To Differentiate Yourself
Your Documented Approach exists to convey to the market how you engineer for your customer, user, or client a Superior Result. Below is my Documented Approach i.e. Spiderweb Philosophy for how I predictably turn people who have not clue how to use to Content to grow a business into Elite Storytellers, who are capable and able, at will, to write books, engineer beliefs, create (legacy) products, lead and monetize a tribe of followers, etc., simply by executing the Formula A-BCDA that was taught to them. If you go to CrossFit, and you follow their regimen, you will dramatically improve your fitness. I know. I lost 35 pounds in less than 6 months after 8.5 years of talking about about it. Once I committed to a proven Documented Approach, CrossFit in this case. Which is now a Brand worth tens of millions. I got the engineered result. Once our StoryAthletes™ commit to being trained on Spiderweb Philosophy, the gameboard is forever tilted in their favor. How, why?  Because my Documented Approach is proven to engineer that result. Elite Storytellers have power. What  is your Documented Approach? This is how the market knows that you are different. This is how the market knows that you can engineer for them a superior result. This is your differentiated product or service. Without one, you are left hustling, convincing and selling, competing (without an advantage) against all the others in your same space. This is why within SpiderwebPhilosophy, our Documented Approach to comprehensive content-strategy, we teach you the Legacy Framework to create your Documented Approach, where by doing it this way, you develop an actual Asset with Brand Equity (meaning, you can license it to others - creating an even bigger, more leveraged income stream) oppose to just having some commoditized product or service. The question is, will you allow us to show you how to create this advantage for you in your business? Very bluntly, that Map below, understanding it and executing it, is the only thing that stands between where you are today, and where you want to be. (trust me). Every one tries to skip Content and move right into Distribution, which equals failure. 
 SECRET #3: 
To Build A Tribe & Engineer Beliefs, Your Must Control OPN
In the game of marketing and messaging nothing is more important than controlling the Narrative. The presidency is won or lost, based on who controls the Narrative. Trump, a true master at controlling the narrative, defeated all the career politicians, despite receiving more negative press than anyone. How, why? Because he uses every piece of content to his advantage. OPN stands for own personal Narrative. The deliberate narrative you create, through published content, Weaving Storywebs, is how "new people to your content" come to know and value you before they ever meet you. People who understand how to create and control Narrative dominate competitors who don't, in the same way elite video game players destroy people who barely know what the buttons do. In gaming there is a metric: APM (actions per minute). In Starcraft, Halo, Call of Duty, or other first-person shooter games, the purpose of the game is to defeat the opposing team or player. In the game of content, the mission is not to defeat. It is to engineer beliefs. The reason we create content is not to fill pages or airtime. It is to “bring people to the accepted belief(s) that we need/want them to come to,” about our character, product/service, and business. This is our OPN: own personal narrative. Narrative leads to reputation. Your reputation then precedes you. It’s what dictates how people think about you, treat you, respect you, before they know you. We are in the game of controlling that Narrative. When people think about us, how are we perceived? How is our product/service perceived? How is our business and Business culture perceived? That OPN (across Character, Documented Approach and Business DNA) is what we are out to create, shape, and control for reasons of strategic purpose. Storytellers who understand this build powerful tribes. Elite Storytellers who build the strongest Tribes operate at a high-APM - 300 to 400 Actions Per Minute, compared to just 10 to 20 Actions Per Minute of the novice. Which explains why the novice gets destroyed in business, because controlling the Narrative is the ultimate strategy game.
Tribe (Shared Beliefs & Convictions) 
+ Documented Approach (Differentiated Product)
+ Marketable Asset (Book)
= Winning Formula To Build Legacy & Control Financial Future
Everything Starts With The Book
And so if you look at companies, it doesn't matter, anybody who uses ClickFunnels. They're all advised to start with the same funnel, which is have a book. Like whatever it is, have a book. This of course leads them into your next offer. Then of course leads them into your next offer. But the book is what establishes you as the authority, which ultimately puts out the content that connects and resonates with the audience. That creates demand for the person who's reading it, saying, I want more from this person.
The 3 Objectives Of A Book
And so if you look at Tony Robbins, if you look at Simon Sinek, if you look at anybody who is someone, they start with a book. And so of course, marketers figures this out. "Holy Shit, we should have books." So now, of course, every marketer writes a book. And it's the book, all of the information in here, that then: 1) creates the connection, 2) creates the validity for the ideas. And then 3) creates demand for more of what comes next. 
The Problem? Book Service(s) Cost $36K
You start with the book always the book. So again, if you look at ClickFunnels, it doesn't matter who the marketer is, if they're making any money using ClickFunnels, as a direct-response marketer, they all start with a book. Now the problem, most of you know, how the hell am I supposed to write a book? Right? So now of course there are services like "Book in a Box," which is now "Scribed" media and for the price tag of $36,000, you can hire somebody over at "Scribed" to help you walk-through this process of creating your book. 
Crappy "Transcript Books" Cost $3K
And this is going to take anywhere between 8 to 12 months. So $36,000 invested, zero ROI, for eight to 12 months. The other option. To be clear, this is a good book, okay? Nothing wrong with that. Good book, High Quality, $36,000 invested. The other option is that there are knockoffs of Scribe, like "90 Minute Books," or something to that effect, and rather than taking 8 to 12 months, they literally take 90 minutes. What they do is, they interview this person right here on the telephone for 90 minutes. 

They turn around, they get a transcript. They edit that transcript, slightly. 

Keep in mind, how intelligent do you think this person is to deliver a flawless book, with great information, in 90-minutes? Dog shit.  Okay, so what you end up with is an edited transcript of dog shit, but what you pay for that is still $2,100 to $3,000...  
So What Are Your Options?
Okay, so there's two ways fundamentally to create a book. You either write it yourself, actually three ways, right? Yourself, which 99 percent of people will never do. The other option is to hire a Scribe, or another company like this, a ghost writer and editor, put together a team, and now they, over a course of 8 to 12 months, at a cost of 36K, we'll put together your book. And it'll be a good book. 

The third option, this is what the hacks do. They don't care so much about the content. They don't care much about the quality of the book. They don't care much about the information either. They just want to have basically a cover, that looks like a book, but they lose all their customer value taking this path, because the book is meant to connect. 

And a hack version doesn't. 

The book is meant to validate the ideas, the concepts of what it is that you talk about in the book, and then of course create more demand, but if you don't structure your book to do these three things like this book does not. Then at the end of the day, you just have basically an ebook cover and you call it a book, which it really is a quote unquote piece of shit.
Having A Book Changed Everything For Me!
So that's the book industry, for the most part. Marketers need a book to build a personal audience. You should have one. We have Defeat Mega-Agents. I wrote that book and it changed everything in how we operate. People buy this book and they're like, "Holy Shit. It changed my life" and now of course, they come. They listen to the podcast. The podcast gives them more of what's in the book, and then of course, now they join Broken Industry. 

That, of course then drives them over to P/SS [a former program I offered]  and we create this audience that says, "How do I give you money? How do I be involved? How do I become a partner? I want to collaborate. I want to be in this ECO system of making a difference." 

It all started when I wrote Defeat Mega-Agents. Before that, I was just another marketer giving away a report. Okay? The book changed everything, 
How Do I Create A 3rd Option For Non-Writers?
So the question is, how do we give a book to everybody who comes into ImpactClub® and does IODs? Because everything that we do, is focused around IODs. Okay? The game of IODs. This game creates transformation. Mind. Body. Business. Relationships.
These four components are the foundation of Sitcom-based content. This is very different than what Simon Sinek does. Most authors and content creators, traditionally speaking, instead of creating Sitcom-based content, think of it as the drama series, Breaking Bad. Where there is episode one, episode two, episode three, season one, season two, season three, where the attention is held for a decade or whatever. 


The Simpsons is still running. 

People like Simon Sinek are more like "Hollywood blockbusters." 

Start With Why?  It's like a feature film, and if it does really, really, really well, it puts him on the map.
Understanding Sitcom-Based Content vs. Feature Film
The reality is, the success of somebody writing a book like this. Like 80 to 90 percent are going to fail. And probably more than that. And further, 99% of the people are never going to be able to write this type of a book. It's too research intensive. It's too technical. It's two to three years of sacrifice. And so this is what prevents people from writing a book, for the most part. And further. 

Even though he writes this book, Simon Sinek is hard to connect with. 

People appreciate his knowledge. 

They appreciate his knowledge, but they don't want to read them on a daily basis. And this buys him three to four or five years of relevance, or maybe 10 years of relevance as a corporate speaker, a corporate consultant, a whatever, but this is very hard to recreate. The is the feature film. 
The Answer Is 'The Journey vs. The Big Idea'
On the other hand, Sitcom-based content is actually quite easy to create. Feature film, like Start With Why, is big idea driven, which it's really hard to come up with a big idea. Sitcom-based content is Journey driven. The character's quest to become very best self. 

This [Feature film / the big Idea] is intimidating to try to come up with. 

Big Idea is like fuck [impossible]. 

Every day, though, is trial and tribulation. I'm growing one percent per day. I had this success, but then I had this setback. I had this success. And this setback. I had success. I had this failure. This is what I learned. Oh my God, this changed my perspective. It shifted my thinking. Here is where I'm at. Now I'm down 20 pounds. 

This is real life. 

People can follow the journey and it's the journey that they get addicted to, which means it's the Character that they get addicted to, which means this is how you build a personal audience. 
The Great Differentiator Is Connection To Character
If you go sign up for Simon Sinek's daily content, you'll be bored to death. You will slit your wrists and shoot yourself inside of a week, but if he puts out another big book, you'll read it because you appreciate his knowledge. You just don't connect or resonate with his Character. You don't love him. You like the ideas, but you don't love him. When you're running a local service based business. 

Or even an online service or product business. People don't care whether or not you have a big idea on how to sell their home or how to fix their air conditioning unit or how to do a, b, c, d, e, other service. They just want to be able to connect with you. 

Do you understand me? Do we think the same? Do we believe the same? 

Can I trust you? 

The great differentiator is do I love this person's Character? The same thing applies to charitable founders though. Like you got charity A, charity B,  charity C,  and charity D, yeah, they all do good things. But do I love the character of the person behind the charity? That is what holds attention. And that is what builds the audience and it's this positive feedback loop again and again and again and again...
The Journey: 4 Categories Of Stories
As you continue to publish the Journey: mind, body, business, relationships, the transformation that you continual seek. To improve just of one percent each day. And every 90 days. It's basically a new you. You think of your transformation in quarters. Your transformation: Your mind, your body, your business, your relationships is like a business. You have the ability every 90 days to transform that business.  

So now, what ends up happening is, you do IODs. 

The game of IODs. 

You publish on Mind. You publish on Body. You publish on Business. You publish on Relationships. 

Here's what I've discovered => You become who you write about. 
The Journey: A New You Every 90 Days
If you write about "who you want to become" and if you write about "what you're learning" and you write about "the discipline that you want to have" and you write about "the relationships that you're trying to forge," all of these things change. And you transform, one percent, one percent, one percent, one percent, one percent, one percent. 

Over the course of 90 days, that one percent is almost 100 percent improvement in these categories. Over the course of a year. One percent, one percent, one percent, one percent is 360% percent improvement. You become three times the human that you were last year at this time. 

Now the question is how do we take this... And the game of IOD, which is like the foothold into getting started, and now give them what they need most, which is one connection, validity and create demand? 

Everything that a book does! 

And what if they could publish a new book of their "Journey of Transformation," across mind, body, business, relationships, every 90 days? 

So now every quarter, they're coming out with a new book, talking about they improved in these four ways. And then a new book, they improved in these four ways. And then a new book, they improved in these four ways. This is what Sitcom-based content is. The evolution of the Character... 
An Empire Built Writing Just 200 to 400 Words
Here is an example of two different kinds of books, right? Okay. Simon Sinek book. So two to three years to write a Simon Sinek-type book, something that looks like this. All of the amount of research, and of course, if you go and you look at like the end notes, you're like, oh my God, look at all these people that he interviewed. Oh my God. Look at all the bibliography references. 

Oh my God, look at all the articles that he had to read and then of course cite, and then like quote, and then like the table of contents alone will take you like one year just to build. Okay? 

This is how most people think of books. 

Reality? Sitcom. 

This is the book ReWork, which is written by Jason Fried, David Heinemeier Hansson that are behind Basecamp. This one is really about their personal operating system. Each chapter, short, they started off as blog posts, just a couple hundred words a day or even a week. 

All of those blog posts, that maybe, are only two to 400 words, topic specific,  actionable advice, or breakthroughs, or epiphanies, or things they shoot for... 
The Secret Of Repurposing Content
Now those daily writings get arranged into categories. And now of course there are 10 categories under, or chapters under this category. There's eight chapters under this category. There's four chapters under that category and maybe a 12 chapters under that category. In essence, they're simplifying the process. 

Not to say that I'm writing a book. 

But simplifying the process to say, I'm going to write 200 to 400 words on X-topic.
So for us we go, "Huh?" We can reverse engineer this, and everybody can do it, because X-topic is IODs. Every single day,  Impact of the Day. Remember: Mind, body, business, relationships. There is a task assigned, viral template given, break down provided to the community. 

When I say community, think CrossFit. So IODs are our "workouts of the day," WODs that crossfit developed, except for storytellers... 
The Game of IODs: "CrossFit For Storytellers"
One of the reasons that CrossFit is so effective is because people don't have to think. You literally just show up and when you get into the gym, here's the workout of the day. No thought, no hesitation, no, I don't want to do it. It's not optional. You go in, here's your workout of the day and it's an AMPRAP. Ten minutes, round one, round two, round three, doing as many times as possible. Great. You walk out of the gym and for 15 minutes you feel like you're going to die, but it's over. And then of course you come back again. Fifteen minutes, again you feel like you're going to die, but it's over in 15 minutes. This is how it works so effective. 

That's what IODs are every single day across mind, body, business, relationships. 

[for the storyteller - sitcom-based content]

There's a primary focus, and then of course, a secondary, and sometimes there's two or three different secondaries, but there's always one primary. 

Here is the the task. It's a science. Steps are given. I break it down into a viral template. Here is step one, internalize. Step two, execute. Step three, learn and grow. Break it down further. Step 4a, step 4b, step 4c, step 4d. Then of course, look at distribution. Now that you've got it written up. A message without distribution is worthless. A message that never reached anyone, never inspired anyone. 

So now here we have this community of people, just like in CrossFit, that are doing these IODs with you. They're writing their stories across their journey... 
Character Transformation Is What Inspires People
And now we have Gamified it where people are competing, in a sense, with a streak counter, but more importantly, this team, just like in CrossFit, your partners. Support you, encourage you, inspire you!  And when you feel down or depressed, you look over at this person in Crossfit, who's doing their "workout of the day." You look over at this Storyteller who's doing their IOD, their "impact of the day" and you go, "shit, if that person can do it, then so can I," and that gives you that little extra effort to complete your IOD...  

And this IOD, sure enough, is geared around Sitcom-based content. 

Like Greg glassman, who is the founder of Crossfit. Ryan Fletcher happens to know a little bit about this topic. Greg Glassman knows physiology in fitness. I know story and connection. And the same way that Glassman originally created Crossfit by getting people to do workouts of the day. The workout of the day is what lead to transformation. Ryan Fletcher, working with storytellers, gets them to do IODs. 

IODs are what leads to transformation! 

That transformation across mind, body, business relationships = a Journey worth following = Personal audience. 
So How Do We Turn This Into A Powerful Book?
Back to our central question, how do we now put that into book format? Every 90 days! Clickfunnels has simplified the process of building funnels. It's literally step one, step two, step three, step four, and if you do this, and if you do this, and you do this, you do this. You hit publish, and now, assuming that you can write the copy, and you have a product or service to market or sell, you have a funnel. 

That typically starts off with a book that creates connection, when the person reads it. It creates a validity for the ideas and concepts and, it also creates a demand for the next step or next piece of the puzzle. I want more from this guy. I liked the way he thinks, I liked the way he believes. He values what I value. 

Finally, somebody who speaks my language! 

This is what Clickfunnels has done for marketers, is they simplified this funnel process, so now they can get their products and services out to the world. Okay? 

I want to simplify the creation of this book. So now, if you look at something like Shutterfly, see it's not that difficult if the content is there. So people can create a photo book because everybody can take photos. The photos are already created. See, once you start doing IODs, those are the photos. And now of course the IODs, just like arranging photos, can be put into a process. 

No different than over here with Clickfunnels and building funnels, and Shutterfly in printing photo books. Step one, step two, step three, step four...
Rooted In The Science Of 1% Improvement 
The other thing that makes this possible is that we have specified, "We are not creating books like "Book in a Box," or Scribe Media,  which is the same company, at $36,000. And this book topic is one of 3.5 million. We're saying we have a process for creating content, that every single person follows, that is based around the Science of 1% Improvement each and every day across the mind body, business in relationships. 

And of course at the end of 90 days, people have 90 pieces of tested content. 

These 90 pieces of content now get categorized, mind, body, business, relationships = 4 categories of the Book.
A Proven Process To Test Content Too!
In each one of those categories. We can go through these 90 and say, which ones, because of course we're publishing them to Facebook too. We can test which ones had the best response, which ones had the deepest connection, who commented and what was the depth of the comment? 

Who liked it, who loved it? who found found it was funny? 

And so now what ends up happening is, all these 90, we can test them. We can screen, we can choose the best 40. So now, within these categories, 10 chapters, 10 chapters, 10 chapters, 10 chapters. Now that becomes the book, volume one, volume two, volume three, volume four... 

And it's the person that you are becoming. You are 90 percent better in volume two, than you were in volume one. You are 90 percent better in volume three, than you were in volume 2. And you're 90 percent better in volume 4 than you were in volume 3... 
It Gets Even Better, Because 1% Growth Compounds!
This is your legacy, your values, your beliefs, your convictions, and over the course of a year, assuming that there was zero compounding your 365 percent better than you were last year, over two years, over three years, over four years, over five years, five years. You're 1800 percent better than you were five years ago, but the reality is one percent, one percent, one percent, one percent, one percent. It compounds like interest. 

It's how Warren Buffet made so much money. 

For eight and a half years, Ryan made the excuses, I'm going to get fit. I'm going to get fit. I'm going to get fit. I'm going to get fit. Eight and a half years, I never wrote it down and never made it a priority. I never started playing the game of IODs. As soon as I start playing the game of IODs, as soon as I start tracking my streak, as soon as I have joined the Community of people who inspire me... In one 90 day period, I'm down 20 pounds. 

Now, and this was hard for people to understand, my mind... 

What is the equivalent of losing 20 pounds, like physically, but what would that be for my mind? Okay, I increased it 20 pounds of muscle but for my mind. 

Like my business went up with 20 pounds of muscle. More clarity. My relationships increased in 20 pounds more depth. It's hard to quantify these things because they're invisible. You can track business based purely perhaps on revenue, but that's not a true indicator of strength. Clarity is a better indicator of strength, people and infrastructure, than is revenue. Because you can always drive short-term revenue, but this is how you get people the greatest possible result. 

You give them a benchmark, you give them a daily guided workout of the day. They understand the Science of 1% improvement. You start Gamifying everything and you give them a community that supports them. Otherwise that result isn't going to happen!
The 90-Day Immersion: Hooking That Growth To Business!
If somebody joins this 90-day immersion, there's a couple of things that have happened. They've probably already joined the StoryAthlete™ Open Source Community and or ImpactClub® and have started to understand the power of doing IODs on a regular basis. So now they're like, I'm in. I've been doing them for 42 days, but now I want to understand how I hook IODs to my business. 

I want to understand how I use IODs, which is an A-story, backed by A-BCDA formula. I want to understand how writing these short posts, which correspond to all of this growth over here, personally. I want to understand the full formula. I want to learn how to really hook it to business. 

So they come into this 90-ay Immersion and they're more committed than ever. But then there are things we can do to drive accountability and for each member and to inspire each other even more...
The 90-Day Immersion: A Team To Support Each Other!
Instead of having a big group of 30, maybe we break it down into six units of five. Where each now, of these five people, or six people, are accountable to just check-in with each other each day to make sure that they're on track. But the thing is. I don't want to be pushing them, holding them accountable. I want them to hold themselves accountable. Or their teammates to hold them accountable. 

I'm not a drill sergeant. "Do Your fucking work!!!" 

That's won't be effective. 

These other team members over here, they will be more inspiring than I could ever be, because these are the people that are in the trenches with them. And so four of them do it. If three of them do it, and all of a sudden, the other one or two haven't done it, they're like, "fuck man, Steve, Bob and Jim did it..." 
I got to do it too! 
Dangers of Hero Worship: "Yeah, But He's Got Superpowers!"
Further, if I try to hold people accountable, they're like, of course Ryan can do it. He's Ryan. You know he's got superpowers. It's not true, but that's their reality. We all fall into this trap of hero worship. I did it too when I first started, like I go to the conference, I'm like, oh, I can't wait to eat all these heroes. 

And I'm looking up to spot them, because they must be 75 feet tall. And they must all look like Zeus. And they all must have the heads the size of Mount Rushmore, because that's how smart they are, and then you're like, I don't see anybody. Where are these heroes? 

Then you start to meet these people and they're just like you! 

Confused, you're like, "You're the guy" I've been reading about in the book, who stutters and can't speak a fluent sentence? And you have a $5 million dollar business? Nothing wrong with the guy who stutters, by the way, but I built him up in my head to be this hero!

And so if I were the one holding them accountable, they would say, of course you could do it. You're Ryan. You've been practicing for a decade, 15 years... 
We've Proven Even "Non-Writers" Can Kill This!
On the other hand, if these three, four people all did it, and they have the same 3 days of experience. And now they are getting result, they're getting comments. People are saying like, "Holy Shit, this is a great piece. I love this post." This one person looks over and goes, damn, if he can do it with only 3 days of experience, then why can't I? And in that moment he gets off his ass and he fucking publishes. 

And it's that one first step... 

That then leads to number two, to number three, to number four, to number five. 

All of a sudden, he's got a 90 day streak going and his entire life has been changed in the same way that my entire life has been changed by doing body IODs. Dropping 20 pounds in 90 days after saying I was going to do it for eight and a half years. 

You just got to get people started, getting going back to 4 quadrants: 

Quadrant #1 - Content. 

Quadrant #2 - Distribution. 

Quadrant #3 - Scale. 

Quadrant #4 - Impact... 
Doing It Alone vs. Being A Member Of A Team
Now in the future, inside the Community Portal, as we go forward, as we mentioned before, like, okay, here's the 90-day Immersion that people go through in order to be certified, you know, "content ready" to move onto distribution. Like if you don't have Content in place, Quadrant 1, why go to distribution? 

You're wasting your time. 

But now once they're certified, SpiderwebPhilosophy-ready, then they would go over here. No benefit or gain comes without a cost or a sacrifice. Now you can do it by yourself. People are like, astonished that I don't go to a Crossfit gym. How do you do by yourself? 

I wake up, there's a book, I set the watch and I go, but most people, they think, like, you've got to be part of this group. I need people to lean on. I got to a Crossfit gym. I'm not joining the crossfit gym just yet. Who knows? But they could, but the reality is is most won't. That's fine. 

Let them join a community that pushes and supports them. Until they have the willpower, the discipline. See the results, have the transformation, build up the skills to the point they're like, "Shit, I could do this on my own or, I could become a leader within this thing... 

Use my skills to impact more people because I understand people need a Community!"
Building Tribes! The Power of Tribes!
Seth Godin, who wrote the book Tribes, and it's just a fact of life. We tribe as human beings, we want to belong to other people who think, and believe, and see the world as we see it. Because that is what leads to collaboration. Collaboration is Open-source.  

Open-source is breakthroughs. 

If you can get something Open-sourced, and 50 people are working on a problem, that's 50 more solutions. Not counting that these solutions aren't all equal solutions. Some are dog-shit, and some are phenomenal. So you're trying to say, I'm going to crowdsource this. 

These 50 people tackling this problem to come up with solutions. 

Now, all of us in this community, who collaborate, who is part of the Open-source, can benefit from this one massive breakthrough. 

This is what's being built, the people in this community all doing IODs across mind, body, business, relationships because this is how they are going to transform lives, relationships, bodies and business!  
Sitcom-Based, The Journey, Powerfully Unites People!
Here are the final truth: IODs unite people, and so John Savage, I had a call with him the other day. He jumped on a Skype call with Ulrich Inge for two hours, and Ulrich, again, is just another guy who did IODs, but they started reading each other's stories and they're like, "Holy Shit, man, I want to connect." This is what builds a Tribe. It starts with a leader willing to share his stories. 

What it really comes down to. When you can write. When you can tell stories and craft messages. And if you can do it consistently, the rest of the world who don't think they can write, think you're a superhero. Like Holy Shit. You're out there inspiring people. 

You have original thought. How do you do it? I could never do it. And all of a sudden, you become this go-to person, this person who inspires in their eyes, because everybody is cowardly, and you were brave. You had the courage to tell and publish your stories. 

You were willing to commit. Had discipline. You got results, transformation across 4 categories. All documented and published in a book, to prove it. 

This is what builds Tribes!
This Is Why You Need A Book!
A $3K to $36K value FREE. Which doesn't even begin to scratch the surface of the value of the 90-Day Immersion. As the 90-Day Immersion is a complete, comprehensive approach to Content (Belief Engineering that builds Tribes), marketable assets (Extreme Leverage from Books) and product creation, using the Legacy Framework, to architect a Documented Approach (To create Lasting Differentiation & measurable Brand Equity). These are the three (3) required ingredients before moving into Distribution i.e. promotion. Without these three ingredients, advertising fails = Limited clients + Limited legacy of Impact! = You not living up to your potential. (Which fucking sucks, and breaks my heart, because that is my own greatest fear. Not living up to my potential.) I was put on this earth to connect, inspire, and to create. Forging Elite Storytellers, through training StoryAthletes™ on the advanced and scientific regimen of Spiderweb Philosophy™ is how I fulfill that deep-seated purpose in my life. I hope you join me on the Journey... 
 0:26 - The Asset You Are Missing: Establishes Authority, Validates Concepts, Creates Demand 
 1:34 - $36,000 Challenge: Not to Mention, The 8-12 Month Holding Pattern 
 2:06 - The $3K Knock-Off: The Dangers Of Traveling This Path. Hint: "Plastic Surgery in Tijuana," Cheap But Advised Against 
 4:55 - Establishing An "Entire Ecosystem:" How To Get Your Audience To Hangout With Your Content, So It  Becomes "Their Path" To Desired Result
 6:19 - Sitcom-Based Content vs. Feature Film: How Hollywood's Concept Destroys Personal Audiences 
 9:43 - Walter White vs. Simon Sinek Case Study: Difference Between Audience Addiction & Appreciating Knowledge
 12:53 - Book Types, Finding Your Format: Insiders Look At Two Different Kinds Of Books
 15:17 - How To Reverse Engineer The Creation: Books To Control OPN: Own Personal Narrative
 16:50 - CrossFit® WODs vs. IOD: (Impact Of The Day): The Secret Of 15-Minutes Of Death & Forced Initial Transformation
 18:39 - Greg Glassman vs. Ryan Fletcher: The Fundamental Connection Between Developing Athletes & Storytellers
 23:49 - 90-Day Transformation: The Science of 1% Daily Improvement Across Mind, Body, Business, Relationships
 26:23 - Hero Worship vs. True Community: Students Are Leaders. Leaders Are Students. Everyone Is The Teacher
 30:48 - In The Trenches, The Fight To Achieve: Accountability vs. Teammates. Inspiration & Discipline Come From Within 
 32:09 - How Communities Crowdsource Challenges: The Secret Of 50X Better Solutions In Less Time Becomes The Norm
 33:22 - Eyes Opened, Power Of Sitcom-Based Content: How Anyone Can Choose To Walk This Path To Create OPN-Based Assets
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